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Fava Bean – those long, green legumes, double wrapped in a pod and a shell insisting you get into both before enjoying their soft earthy appeal. Too much work? Get a hold of frozen Fava. I just tried them out for the first time in the sauté below and loved the result. A lot easier to use and texture doesn’t suffer – in face it might even improve. Look for frozen fava bean at an “international store” such as Real Produce in Palo Alto.

Fava Bean, Pancetta and Fennel Sauté    Serves 4

2 pounds fresh fava beans, shelled

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 cup onion, sliced thin

½ cup pancetta, chopped small (optional)

1 small fennel bulb, trimmed and sliced thin (save fronds for garnish)

1 cup or so stock (chicken or vegetable)

Salt and pepper to taste

In a medium saucepan, boil salted water and added shelled fava beans. Cook 2 minutes and drain. Remove the outer shell and pop out the bright green bean inside. I like to pierce the shell with my fingernail and squeeze out the bean. Can substitute frozen fava.

Heat the oil in a large skillet, add onion and sauté a few minutes till translucent. Add pancetta and sauté 5 minutes more. Deglaze the pan with a few tablespoons stock and scrape up the browned bits into the food. Add fennel and sauté a few minutes more, until browning starts. Deglaze the pan as needed, using only a few tablespoons of stock at a time. Add in the heated fava beans along with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with fennel fronds.

I've been attracted to food for good and bad reasons for years.

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