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In this week’s Letters to the Editor, one resident gives their opinion about a recent City Council discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict urging locals to take personal action to help Gaza refugees.

Gaza demands personal, not council, action


Taking a position on the cease-fire will do nothing except divide our community.

I attended the retreat meeting the last night. No one can fail to be moved by the slide presentation featuring wounded Gazan children. And there is no retort. But from experience in Vietnam during the war, I suggest there is a proactive way for the speakers last night — in particular the father, who spoke from the heart and from his pain, and who presented the slides: Please consider adopting and bring some of those children here so they can share what was described as the benefits children in our community enjoy. 

Yes, it’s difficult, but it can be done. And just think: You can change a life; you can help with rehabilitation. I myself adopted a baby in Vietnam during the war, and indeed it did take a presidential act in Vietnam at the time for a single parent adoption, but it was possible, and it was done. And yes, there was still a battle with passports, visas and such.  

The baby I adopted in Vietnam during that war graduated from Palo Alto High School, is now a proud homeowner and is married with two children of his own. 

So, adoption can be done, Palo Alto, and I feel it would have more lasting effects and show our true caring if the committee that spoke last night would think about adoption and legal immigration for some of those wounded children. If not you, who? 

If not now, when? 

Please consider taking a tangible step and not just venting anger. Actions will speak louder than protests, can you agree?

Randy Mont-Reynaud

Birch Street, Palo Alto

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