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Stanford Athletics brought in trees provided by Lowe’s to stand in as spectators during Stanford football games this past fall. Courtesy city of Menlo Park.

Several hundred trees that were staged at Stanford University’s football stadium in lieu of live spectators will be planted in local communities in the region.

Since sports fans were not allowed at Stanford Stadium during the COVID-19 pandemic, Stanford Athletics partnered with Lowe’s to bring in approximately 470 trees as part of its Tree House program.

The arboreal spectators, kept in 15-gallon containers, were drought-resistant, locally sourced and placed throughout the lower level of the stadium.

The trees were meant to cheer on the university’s football team, but the season was ultimately cut short when Santa Clara County banned team sports as COVID-19 cases surged.

Stanford Athletics worked with local city departments and nonprofits to distribute the trees, who will replant them in order to “grow urban forest canopy, address climate change, and create healthier communities that are greener and more resilient,” according to Stanford Athletics.

Together, the 470 trees sequester over 1,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide, about the amount produced from driving 2.5 million miles.

The city of Menlo Park is among those cities that will receive the trees.

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  1. Maybe they can find the El Palo Alto rinpoche, the spiritual incarnation of the tree that was cut down by the Spanish a few years after its discovery in 1769

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